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Commercial umbrella insurance helps prepare your business for the worst.

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Supplement your business policy with commercial umbrella insurance for when you go over your limits.

Get backup coverage to help protect your business.

Commercial umbrella insurance is all about going one step further. It’s an added layer of protection that kicks in if the very worst happens with your business insurance policies. Essentially, if you go over your payout limit, it helps cover the excess costs that you would otherwise need to pay for out of pocket.

Kicks in when surpassing your payout limit.

Most business insurance policies—whether they cover commercial liability or commercial property—have a payout limit. Normally, your business would be on the hook for any expenses above and beyond this limit. This type of unexpected cost is something that could threaten the very survival of your business. A commercial umbrella insurance policy kicks in only if your main business insurance policy reaches the payout limit. At that time, the commercial umbrella policy would pay out the remaining costs.

How commercial umbrella coverage works.

For example, let’s say you have a liability insurance policy of $500,000 for your business, but you must pay damages of $700,000. If you have a commercial umbrella policy in place for your business, the liability policy would pay out in full first, and then the umbrella policy would pick up the remaining $200,000.

   What can be covered by a commercial umbrella policy?

Your commercial umbrella policy may cover the costs of legal fees, medical expenses, and damages for liability issues such as bodily injury and property damage.

   Do you need an umbrella policy for your business?

There are certain risk factors to consider, including public access to your business, how often you work with your clients, and if you perform work at other locations.

A worthwhile investment that may be affordable.

The beauty of commercial umbrella insurance is that, because there’s a relatively low chance it will need to pay out, it may often be considerably cheaper to purchase than you might expect. The cost of your policy may vary depending on the size of your business, the industry you are in, and how much coverage you already have.

Commercial umbrella insurance may help you protect your assets. Contact us to learn more about your coverage options.

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